
Caleb Brown, MBA, CFP®

Caleb Brown is the host of the New Planner Podcast, and is Co-founder and CEO of New Planner Recruiting, a recruiting firm that specializes in sourcing, 筛选, and integrating financial planners in financial planning firms nationwide. He was named the Next Generation Influencer by Financial Planning magazine, one of the top 25 most influential people in the industry by 投资顾问, 以及《三亿体育app》40位40岁以下人群. 他毕业于Texas Tech Personal Financial Planning Program,并在北德克萨斯州的一家RIA公司工作了五年多,帮助一个独立从业者将公司转变为集成模型. 布朗被公认为TTU人文科学学院的杰出校友和TTU财务规划项目的杰出校友. 他撰写了《安卓版下载》一书,这本书汇集了一家理财规划公司在招聘时应该做和不应该做的事情,这样企业主就可以减轻招聘时的痛点. 《安卓版下载》是一本指导有抱负的理财师创造梦想职业的指南.

Brown is a Kolbe Certified™️ Consultant, and original creator of the 平安险 Career Day program, 始于达拉斯/Ft. Worth Chapter and subsequently, has been implemented by other organizations across the nation. 在布朗的职业生涯中, 他指导过, 聘请了, 管理, 她还指导过许多转行者和大学生寻求财务规划方面的实习和全职工作,以及雇佣他们的公司老板. He is also an Adjunct Faculty member for the University of Georgia’s Financial Planning Program. 工作之余, 布朗担任青少年体育教练,并在各种有利于寄养和收养儿童的项目中担任志愿者. He is also an avid golfer, hiker, Tough Mudder, and snowboarder.

乔尔·P. Bruckenstein

乔尔·P. Bruckenstein, CFP®️, 是全球公认的金融专业人士应用技术领域的权威机构吗. He is renowned as the Publisher of Technology Tools for Today (T3), formerly known as Virtual Office News and now known as the T3 Tech Hub.

As the driving force behind the esteemed T3 Advisor Conference, Bruckenstein已将其建立为独立财务顾问,独立经纪人/交易商高管和大型注册投资咨询公司高管的卓越技术活动. The conference also welcomes fintech journalists, 私募股权公司, and asset managers that support the wealthtech ecosystem. 2024年将迎来20周年纪念, the conference has consistently delivered unparalleled value to its attendees.

二十多年了, Bruckenstein has been advising financial service firms of all sizes, aiding them in enhancing their technological infrastructure, 简化流程, 优化工作流程.


阿卡什Dhawan is a Managing Director at Ankura, based in Washington D.C. He has more than 15 years of experience designing, 实现, and managing various IT and Cyber risk related programs.

Dhawan拥有与各行业IT和安全管理人员合作的丰富经验,开发和交付基于对组织业务优先级和目标的深刻理解的领先解决方案. 他是客户值得信赖的顾问,帮助他们解决安全控制和合规计划方面的复杂挑战. 他曾担任首席信息安全官(CISO),为不同行业和组织规模的客户服务. 在他目前的职位上, Dhawan负责领导Ankura的云安全服务,并担任公司的董事会顾问.

Prior to joining Ankura, Dhawan led the Federal Risk & Authorization Management (FedRAMP) cloud certification services for Deloitte. 他还在AICPA的工作组中担任领导职务,为新的和现有的基于行业的信息安全认证计划开发框架.


凯特·希利 is a 金融服务 industry executive and NextGen advocate, 有目的地打造品牌. She is CEO and Founder of AdvoKate IQ, 有限责任公司, 一家咨询公司,旨在帮助财富管理公司制定增长战略,以利用影响劳动力和客户获取的人口变化.

Healy is widely recognized as a leading advocate for the next generation of financial planners, for women advisors and for the financial planning profession. Wealthmanagement.com named her to the 2018 “Ten to Watch” list. In 2016, 投资顾问 magazine named Healy as one of the industry’s 25 most influential people. Healy was named to InvestmentNews' inaugural "Women to Watch" in 2015. 另外, she was TD Ameritrade's 2014 Impact Award winner for Leadership in Diversity and Inclusiveness.

她是财务规划基金会的前任董事会主席和投资他人委员会的职员. Healy supported the CFP Board's 女性的主动性 (WIN) Council, the Center for Financial Planning's Advisory Council, and the Center’s Diversity Advisory Board. She was formerly managing director for TD Ameritrade Institutional, leading marketing and Generation Next.

Healy is a frequent speaker at industry events including InvestmentNews, FA杂志, 未来的证明, 平安险, NAPFA and TD Ameritrade’s LINC national conference. She is a contributor to industry publications and podcasts, 包括《三亿体育app》, WealthManagement.和InvestmentNews. Healy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Rutgers College.

Dennis Stearns, CFP®,ChFC

Dennis Stearns is Founder and President of Stearns Financial Group, a $2 billion fee-only business planning, financial planning and investment management firm In North Carolina.

Stearns has been named Entrepreneur of the Year (Business Leader), Most Admired CEO (Triad Business Journal) and Small Business Advocate (Greensboro Chamber). He has been called a “leading financial futurist” by the Street.他是财务规划协会(financial planning Association)评选的“财务规划行业领先的情景专家和未来学家之一”. His firm was named to CitiWire’s Future 50 list of the most innovative firms.

He has been quoted in leading industry magazines and news sites, including NAPFA 顾问杂志, Kiplinger’s Finance, the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, TheStreet.com and the peer reviewed Journal of Financial Planning.

Stearns is the author of several books, 包括CEO道路规则:正确的焦点, 正确的人, Right Execution (a “must read” – Daniel Jorndt, 前首席执行官, 《安卓版下载》. 第四季度的工作手册包括第四季度冠军和第四季度冠军:企业主版(“企业主必备读物”- Doug Tatum), 前ACG全球主席). 丹尼斯的新书名为《安卓版下载》.

斯特恩斯是一位活跃的社区领袖,曾三次获得基督教青年会颁发的全国社区服务奖, TDA 社区 Heroes and Invest in Others. He serves on several university and foundation boards. He is a former chess master and played on one of the winningest Pan-American Chess Teams in U.S. 历史. 他曾与多达50人同时下国际象棋,为儿童慈善机构筹款. He has taught an inner-city chess club for at-risk youth for more than two decades.


Carolynne托马斯 advises executives on their most important challenges, 包括他们如何领导, how they align their organizations to strategy, and how they create followership in the process of both. Her clients include leaders in the consumer products, 金融服务, 医疗保健, 以及专业服务行业.

一个受欢迎的教练, 策略师, 和演讲者, Thomas has guided leaders and their teams through strategy changes, 文化的演进, 以及变革性收购. 她丰富的经验和严肃的态度立刻吸引了那些渴望得到答案的高管,他们已经“受够”了咆哮. Thomas has also set the standard for how to establish cohesive executive teams, reduce uncertainty during times of change, and improve leadership effectiveness overall.

加入CRA之前, 托马斯为人类基因组计划研究了遗传咨询师的沟通方式对新生儿父母的影响. 她在威斯康星大学获得传播科学和妇女研究学位,在丹佛大学获得工商管理硕士学位.

A Wisconsin native, Thomas and her family live in the Phoenix metro area.

Dr. 萨哈尔·尤瑟夫和卢卡斯·米勒

Dr. 萨哈尔·尤塞夫和卢卡斯·米勒都是认知神经科学家,也是加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院的MBA教师.

伯克利分校, 萨哈尔和卢卡斯经营着“成为超人实验室”(《三亿体育app》和《三亿体育app》都有报道),并教授最受欢迎的MBA课程之一, called "Becoming Superhuman: The Science of Productivity and Performance". Yousef已经成为世界领先的认知训练专家之一,并且是Headspace健康应用程序(每天有超过200万人使用)的顶级科学家。. In 2021, Yousef和John Legend制作了一个由多个部分组成的视频系列,内容是关于音乐科学及其对我们的注意力和情感的影响.

在学术世界之外, 他们共同制作了《安卓版下载》, 一家培训和咨询公司,教那些以思考为生的忙碌的专业人士如何完成他们最重要的工作, 在更短的时间内, 压力更小. 米勒专门研究生理学和行为心理学,并利用他作为竞技举重运动员的背景来帮助知识工作者提高他们的日常能量水平, 有效管理压力, and optimize their work and home routines.

自COVID开始以来, 他们总共为50多个国家的知识工作者做了500多场演讲和主题演讲, have advised executive teams at Google, Coinbase, 和签证, and have been invited to speak for the US Congress and Saudi Arabian governments.